The Main Bibliography


Bartholin T. S. 1989. - Dendrochronology in Sweden in : Morner N.A. and Karien W. (Eds). Climatic changes on a yearly to millennial basis. D. Reidel P. C., Dordrecht, 261-262.
Brückner E. 1890. - Limaschwankungen seit 1700 nebest Bemerkungen (ber die Klimaschwankungen der Diluvialzeit "Geographische Abbasndlungen", m B. IV. H., Wien,153-184.
Carbognin L., Marabini F. 1989. - Evolutional trend of the Po River delta (Adriatic Sea, Italy) The 28th International Geological Congress, Washington D.C., 0-19, 1, Proc.; 238-239.
Ciabatti M. 1967. - Ricerche sull'evoluzione del delta padano. Giornale di Geologia; 2, XXXIV, 2, 26.
Lamb H.H. 1982. - Climate, history and the modern world Methuen, London.
Marabini F., Veggiani A. 1991. - Evolutional trend of the coastal zone and influence of the climatic fluctuations. Proceedings C.O.S.U.,11, Longbeach 1991, California, 459-474.
Nelson B.W. 1972. - Mineralogical differentiation of sediments dispersed from the Po Delta. In: The Mediterranean Sea, a Natural Sedimentation Laboratory, D.J. Stanley (Eds.), 441-453.
Ortolani F., Pagliuca S. 1955. - Climatic variations and crises in the anthropized environment in the Mediterranean region. Proceedings Geosciences and Archeology Seminar, Spec. pubbl. 70, 113-126, Cairo.

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