The Main Bibliography

The Bibliography

Antoine, L.A.G. 1989. A preliminary interpretation of the southwest Indian Ocean Magsat anomaly. South African Journal of Science, 85(10), 677.
Allen, R.B., Tucholke, B.E. 1981. Petrography and implications of continental rocks from the Agulhas Plateau, southwest Indian Ocean. Geology, 9, 463-468.
Barrett, D.M. 1977. The Agulhas Plateau: a marine geophysical study. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 88, 749-763.
Birch, G.F. 1971.The glauconite deposits on the Agulhas Bank, South Africa. Dept. Geol. Univ. Cape Town, SANCOR Marine Geol. Progr. Bull., 4, 134.
Berger, W.H. 1974. Deep sea sedimentation. In :C.A. Burk and C.L. Drake (eds.), Geology of continental margins. Springer N.Y., 213-242.
Dingle, R.V. 1977. The anatomy of a large submarine slump on a sheared continental margin. J. Geol. Soc., 134, 293-310.
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Dingle, R.V. and Camden-Smith, F. 1979. Acoustic stratigraphy and current-generated bedforms in deep ocean basins off Southeastern Africa. Mar. Geol., 33 (1979), 239-260.
Du Plessis, A. 1977. Sea floor spreading south of the Agulhas Fracture Zone. Nature, 270, 719.
Du Toit, S.R. 1977. Mesozoic geology of the Agulhas Bank, South Africa. PhD Thesis. Univ. Cape Town.
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Embley, R.M. and Tucholke B.E. 1976. A continuous erosional zone in the Cape, Agulhas and Mozambique Basins. Geol.Soc. Abs., 8, 854.
Emery, K.O., Uchupi, E., Bowin, C.O., Phillips, J. and Simpson, E.S.W. 1975. Continental margin off western Africa: Cape St. Francis (South Africa) to Walvis Ridge (Southwest Africa) Am. Ass. Petrol. Geol. Bull., 59, 3-59.
Flemming, B.W. 1981. Factors controlling sediment dispersal along the Southeast African continental margin. Mar. Geol. 42, 259-277.
Kolla, V., Henderson, L. and Biscaye, P.E. 1976. Clay mineralogy and sedimentation in the western Indian Ocean. Deep-Sea Res., 23, 949-961.
LaBrecque, J.L. and Hayes, D.E. 1978. Seafloor spreading history of the Agulhas Basin. Earth and Plan Sc. Lett., 45 (1979), 411-428.
Le Pichon, X. and Hayes, D. 1971. Marginal offset, fracture zones, and the early opening of the South Atlantic. J. Geophys. Res., 76, 6283-6293.
Luyendyk, B.P. 1974. GondwAnaland dispersal and early formation of Indian Ocean. In : T.A. Davies, B.P., Luyendyk et al. (eds.), Init. Rept. Deep Sea Drill. Proj. 26, Washington, D.C., 945-952.
Luyendyk, B.P. and Davies, T.A. 1974. Results of DSDP Leg 26 and the geologic history of the southern Indian Ocean. In :T.A. Davies, B.P., Luyendyk et al. (eds.), Init. Rept. Deep Sea Drill. Proj. 26, Washington, D.C., 909-943.
Martin, A.K., Hartnady, C.J.H. and Murray, D. 1982. The Agulhas Plateau, South Atlantic opening, and ridge jumps south of the Agulhas Fracture Zone. Joint GSO/UCT Mar. Geosc.Tech. Rept., 13, 51-63.
Norton, I.O. and Sclater, J.G. 1979. A model for the evolution of the Indian Ocean and the breakup of Gondwanaland. J. Geophys. Res., 84, 6803-6830.
Rabinowitz, P.D., Cande, S.C., and LaBrecque, J.L. 1976. The Falkland Escarpment and Agulhas Fracture Zone: the boundary between oceanic and continental basement at conjugate continental margins. An. Acad. Bras. Cienc., 48 Supp., 241-251.
Rabinowitz, P.D. and LaBrecque, J.L. 1979. The mesozoic South Atlantic Ocean and evolution of its continental margins. J. Geophys. Res., 84, 5973-6002.
Rossi, S. and Westall, F. 1994. Preliminary geological history of the Agulhas Passage (Agulhas Fracture Zone termination at the southern African Margin). Abs. Int. Symp.: "The Ocean Floor: observations, theory and imagination". Acc. Naz. Lincei, Roma.
Siesser, W.G., Scrutton, R.A. and Simpson E.S.W. 1974. Atlantic and Indian Margins of Southern Africa. In : C.A. Burk and C.L. Drake (eds.), Geology of continental margins. Springer N.Y., 641-654.
Scrutton, R.A. 1973. Structure and evolution of the seafloor South of South Africa. Earth Plan. Sc. Lett., 19 (1973), 250-256.
Scrutton, R.A. 1976. Crustal structure at the continental margin south of South Africa. Geoph. J. Roy. Astr. Soc., 25, 325-350.
Scrutton R.A. and Du Plessis, A. 1972. Possible marginal fracture ridge south of South Africa. Nature, 242, 180-182.
The Shipboard Scientific Party 1978. 2. Cape Basin Continental Rise-Sites 360-361. In: Init. Rep. of the DSDP. XL, 29-182.
Tucholke, B.E. and Carpenter, G.B. 1977. Sediment distribution and Cenozoic sedimentation patterns on the Agulhas Plateau. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 88, 1337-1346.
Tucholke, B.E., Houtz, R.E. and Barrett, D.M. 1981. Continental crust beneath the Agulhas Plateau, Southwest Indian Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 86, 3791-3806.
Tucholke, B.E. and Embley, R.W. 1983. Cenozoic Regional Erosion of the abyssal Seafloor off South Africa. W.H.O.I.,contrib. 533.
Westall, F. 1984. Current-controlled sedimentation in the Agulhas Passage, SW Indian Ocean. PhD Thesis. Univ. Cape Town, 276 and Joint GSO/UCT Mar. Geosc. Bull., 13, Dept of Geol. Univ. Cape Town.
Westall, F. 1987. Quaternary continental margin sedimentation off the southern coast of South Africa. Geol. Jour., 22, Thematic issue, 563-578 (1987).

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